270Victims supported each year
1,000Professionals trained each year
40Members of staff and volunteers
24/7Available 24/7
Who are we?
PAG-ASA provides support to victims of human trafficking, offering a springboard towards autonomy and reintegration. We advocate for the rights of all victims, and we fight every day for a Belgium where human trafficking no longer exists.
More information-
Victims supported over 29 years
Cumulative overnight stays a year in our shelter house
Hours of interviews with interpreters per year
3 to 5 years
Duration of a typical support
Human trafficking
When we talk about human trafficking, we are talking about modern slavery and exploitation. Traffickers commit this heinous crime for their own personal gain; depriving another human being of their liberty and dignity.

Sexual exploitation
Forcing someone to sell their body and perform sexual activities for a profit.
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Labour exploitation
Putting someone to work in conditions contrary to human dignity without respite; either without remuneration or inadequately paid.
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Other forms of exploitation
Begging exploitation, illegal removal of organs, and forced criminality.
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Recognising the warning signs
Early identification is crucial, not only in order to help, support and protect victims without delay, but also in order to apprehend and convict the perpetrators.
Find out moreRegister for training
We offer bespoke training for all professionals who could come into contact with groups at risk or (potential) victims.
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Become a volunteer or an intern
Your time and skills will help us to support victims.
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Work for us
You will be part of a team committed to the fight against human trafficking.
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Make a donation
If you would like to give us a little financial boost, you can make a transfer to our account number BE20 0011 7035 9156 under the name of PAG-ASA asbl. You can also click on this link:
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